Project-Information-Memorandum-Tabaco-SMPDownload DISCLAIMER The Tabaco City Government (the “LGU”) has prepared this Project Information Memorandum (PIM) to provide interested parties with information that may be useful to them in making their bids. While the drafters of this document exerted their best effort to provide a fair and comprehensive description of the Project based on the Project Documents and other available information, this PIM does not purport to be all-inclusive or to contain all of the information that a Prospective Challenger may consider material or desirable in making its decision to participate in the Competitive or Swiss Challenge. No representation or warranty, more...
Download: Award Reso-24-09-1246 – KR Mika Gen. Mdse. Download NOA-24-09-1246 – KR Mika Gen. Mdse. Download PO-24-09-1246 – KR Mika Gen. Mdse.Download more...